been there done tat in 1998
Thanks for your video. That movie did try to attempt using scientific methods, as much as they could but at the same time, being biz concerns with overheads & ROI to investors to bear...but still a great movie to set better minds thinking on the methods to save Humankind, no matter the differences we each have - religious, black or white, fat or thin, rich or poor, etc, as NONE is born out of a vacuum.
It is LOVE, that is the highest dimension of life, that propels each of us to do things that we would never do for anyone else, but loved ones & for those whom are far more evolved, for society & civilization as NO mortal alone can save anyone, it will have be by togetherness....
Fortunately, or unfortunately, that piece of asteroid is of a size a mere large building, but still would create much havoc, chaos, & even Tsunamis & earthquakes at the speed that is travelling, & there is little science yet known, even with Quantum Physics, where EXACTLY it would hit & land.
Thus, we Humanity WILL HAVE TO WORK together to destroy such unearthly objects as best as we can collectively, no matter the size of such objects, with our detection methods that gives us years in advance as headstart to ward off such disasters, if not to ourselves, but to many others whom are only our fellow Humans....
We Humankind must not leave anyone behind as much as we can....cause the moment we do so, then it will only give others the excuse to do the same to each & end Civilization..... The golden rule of life is just one - do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto you......only a simple rule, but yet.....