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AssMRT to Ask for Bus Fare Hike Soon?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 18 Mar 2010
Driver told passengers to sit away from loose air-con panel area, says SMRT


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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SMRT says the Service leader of Service 173 pulled the bus over after seeing that the air-con panel had come loose. Unable to secure the panel on-the-spot, he advised passengers to sit away from the area and continued driving the bus to Bukit Batok Interchange.

In a post dated Mar 12, STOMPer Kiven wrote in saying he spotted a loose air con panel in bus 173 and was worried that it might fall on the passengers at any moment.

In an email to STOMP today (Mar 18), a spokesperson from SMRT says:

“We thank the STOMPer for bringing this matter to our attention.

“Our investigation showed that on Mar 12, the Service Leader (SL) of Service 173 was driving along Jalan Remaja when he heard a noise behind. Through the rear view mirror, he noticed that an air-con panel had come loose.

“He immediately pulled the bus over and found that the two bolts supporting the panel had come loose. As he was unable to secure the panel on-the-spot, he advised passengers to sit away from the area and continued driving the bus to Bukit Batok Interchange, which was 15 minutes away.

“When the STOMPer alerted the SL of the panel along Hillview Avenue, the SL explained that he would be reporting it to the mechanic upon arrival at the interchange.

“We hope this clarifies the matter.”

Keywords: Hillview Ave , air-con unit
Nothing wrong with bus driver ask passenger sit away from the loose panel. Actually bus driver do the right thing.
Or what u expect? Ask driver to call headquater to call for back up bus to come. That will take maybe 40 min for the commuter to get to the interchange for a round trip.