Posted on 23 Jul 2010
Inspection shows air-con is in good working condition, says SMRT
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The results of a bus inspection show that the air-con in Service 61 is in good working condition, says SMRT.
This was in response to STOMPer magic7's complaint that the SMRT bus he was travelling on had a malfunctioning air-con.
In an email to STOMP(Jul 23), an SMRT spokesperson said:
"Our investigations show that on 12 July, the Service Leader (SL) carried out checks on Service 61 before departing the interchange.
"The SL found the air-con to be at an acceptable temperature of 22 degrees Celsius.
"Our records also show that the bus went for its preventive maintenance on 15 and 19 May, comprising checks on the air-con blower motors, compressor and the evaporator and condenser coils.
"Following the STOMPer’s feedback, the bus was brought in for another inspection and the air-con was found to be in good working condition."
Inspection shows air-con is in good working condition, says SMRT
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The results of a bus inspection show that the air-con in Service 61 is in good working condition, says SMRT.
This was in response to STOMPer magic7's complaint that the SMRT bus he was travelling on had a malfunctioning air-con.
In an email to STOMP(Jul 23), an SMRT spokesperson said:
"Our investigations show that on 12 July, the Service Leader (SL) carried out checks on Service 61 before departing the interchange.
"The SL found the air-con to be at an acceptable temperature of 22 degrees Celsius.
"Our records also show that the bus went for its preventive maintenance on 15 and 19 May, comprising checks on the air-con blower motors, compressor and the evaporator and condenser coils.
"Following the STOMPer’s feedback, the bus was brought in for another inspection and the air-con was found to be in good working condition."