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Posted on 15 May 2010
SMRT leaves key to restricted staff area in door
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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The door leads to the open MRT tracks and STOMPer Henry is worried that by carelessly leaving the key there, passengers may be able to enter the dangerous area easily.
The STOMPer said in an email to us today (May 15):
"I'm puzzled as to why SMRT allows its staff screen door cabin key to hang so openly at both ends of the platform screen doors.
"While it is convenient for their staff to open the door, isn't it also convenient for any potential suicide attempts?
"The idea of hanging keys at the platform cabin doors for the convenience of staff members goes against the purpose of putting up expensive screen doors on open platforms to prevent accidental falls or suicide jumps onto the rail tracks.
"I'm further puzzled as ti why SMRT spends millions of dollars on advanced screen doors but still use primitive keys for cabin staff entry instead of employee access cards.
"I hope SMRT looks into this matter."
SMRT leaves key to restricted staff area in door
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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The door leads to the open MRT tracks and STOMPer Henry is worried that by carelessly leaving the key there, passengers may be able to enter the dangerous area easily.
The STOMPer said in an email to us today (May 15):
"I'm puzzled as to why SMRT allows its staff screen door cabin key to hang so openly at both ends of the platform screen doors.
"While it is convenient for their staff to open the door, isn't it also convenient for any potential suicide attempts?
"The idea of hanging keys at the platform cabin doors for the convenience of staff members goes against the purpose of putting up expensive screen doors on open platforms to prevent accidental falls or suicide jumps onto the rail tracks.
"I'm further puzzled as ti why SMRT spends millions of dollars on advanced screen doors but still use primitive keys for cabin staff entry instead of employee access cards.
"I hope SMRT looks into this matter."