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AssMRT Bus Service On Brink of Bankruptcy?!!!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 05 Apr 2010
This leaking bus is patched up by tape!


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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STOMPer Leong was concerned when he saw the leaking roof on this SMRT bus patched up simply by adhesive tape.

Said the STOMPer:

"This was taken on board SMRT bus 960.

"It was raining and rain water was seeping through the roof.

"This must have already been reported and they simply repaired it by patching it up with adhesive tapes.

"It must have been there for some time since the tapes were almost peeling off.

"For a company almost guaranteed of its profit, this is surely shoddy work."

Keywords: bus , bus door
Management can always accept all sort of bullshit as long as profit margin is increasing! This is the case whenever you have two very large transportation company gathering profit from their mock competition to bring their services up to par.
To put up such a post showed again your ignorant.

Obviously you do not take buses.

AssMRT Msian FTrash CEO!

There's your Problem!!!!

Why in the world are we getting a joker from a country that doesnt even have any decent public transport system to speak of to lead one of our own transport system
I understand she is one of HC's crony.

She is the Chief Instructress of a Taichi Organisation in Carpenter Street...... Ho Jinx must have hired her to taichi complaints like the stomper's...... :p