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Chitchat Assassination attempt on Putin?

syed putra

Ukraine has endless supply of arms and ammunition. Plus intelligence from NATO sources from satellites to awacs.
Russia fighting a limited warfare to reduce damage to infrastructure.ukraine population still have power, internet, water and even scheduled rail services. Plus port of Odessa is allowed to operate.
When US invaded Iraq, all power stations, telecommunications snd utilities were wiped out causing hardship till today.


Ukraine has endless supply of arms and ammunition. Plus intelligence from NATO sources from satellites to awacs.
Russia fighting a limited warfare to reduce damage to infrastructure.ukraine population still have power, internet, water and even scheduled rail services. Plus port of Odessa is allowed to operate.
When US invaded Iraq, all power stations, telecommunications snd utilities were wiped out causing hardship till today.

VVIP visitors can go to war zone somemore... sightseeing... wtf.. it is all about bluff Rus to cut gas pipe to EU...