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Asia Sentinel: Singapore Opposition Figures Decamp for UK













Pap should send some assassins to kill off this bugger dishonourable son. He’s giving sg a lot of bad press
No. The political fallout WILL be worse, not to mention the morality of such efforts...

Mr Lee Hsien Yang had lived a privileged life than most common citizens, & only out of respect to one of our great Founding fathers - the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who which his visionary, brave & hardworking team - from those in leadership positions to even the common man whom had to bow to our colonial masters in the past, gave us our todays....

He is at an age, according to Maslow's theory, seeks to leave a legacy behind, for his very own immediate family-his wife & kids, to enjoy what he had enjoyed being a leader's son.

However, life in a democracy is NOT going happen as he wished for. He had never been elected unlike his hardworking elder brother Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong, whom had to face immense social, political & economic pressures both within Singapore & the World, election after election, to continue with his father's legacy for us, & future Singaporeans to come.

Most Singaporeans would respect his wish for 38 Oxley to be demolished but is still an inheritance to another. Such are private affairs, as 38 Oxley is NOT public property.

However, to seek political asylum in another country only raises the stake in what is a private matter, as such moves entails POLITICAL questions on his motives, which is a POLITICAL DISAGREEMENT against an Elected member of Parliament & Prime Minister Office holder, more so with his unfounded accusations not just against his brother, but to the system which he had NEVER once uttered in disagreement but continued to enjoy in his lifetime.

AT NO time had he been disallowed entry to Singapore, even our SPF acknowledge such. He just needs to answer a few questions with regards to judicial proceedings under oath, which he agreed to do so, & even if found guilty, at most only a mere fine, as NONE would want to see the son of our great Founder in jail, out of respect to his father....& yet, over such small matter, he not only took flight, but sought POLITICAL ASYLUM & his hurtful tirades against Singapore....

If he is honest & truly had no political interests, not just for himself but for his immediate family of wife & kids, he can just simply return to Singapore & would not be harmed, lived out the rest of his life in wealth, not just for himself but for his immediate family whom will be treated as EQUALS in our society - to work hard & be successful life, contribute to our society's progress & evolution, in honest, legal & ethical ways. Our PM is now Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, & not Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong.




No. The political fallout WILL be worse, not to mention the morality of such efforts...

Mr Lee Hsien Yang had lived a privileged life than most common citizens, & only out of respect to one of our great Founding fathers - the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who which his visionary, brave & hardworking team - from those in leadership positions to even the common man whom had to bow to our colonial masters in the past, gave us our todays....

He is at an age, according to Maslow's theory, seeks to leave a legacy behind, for his very own immediate family-his wife & kids, to enjoy what he had enjoyed being a leader's son.

However, life in a democracy is NOT going happen as he wished for. He had never been elected unlike his hardworking elder brother Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong, whom had to face immense social, political & economic pressures both within Singapore & the World, election after election, to continue with his father's legacy for us, & future Singaporeans to come.

Most Singaporeans would respect his wish for 38 Oxley to be demolished but is still an inheritance to another. Such are private affairs, as 38 Oxley is NOT public property.

However, to seek political asylum in another country only raises the stake in what is a private matter, as such moves entails POLITICAL questions on his motives, which is a POLITICAL DISAGREEMENT against an Elected member of Parliament & Prime Minister Office holder, more so with his unfounded accusations not just against his brother, but to the system which he had NEVER once uttered in disagreement but continued to enjoy in his lifetime.

AT NO time had he been disallowed entry to Singapore, even our SPF acknowledge such. He just needs to answer a few questions with regards to judicial proceedings under oath, which he agreed to do so, & even if found guilty, at most only a mere fine, as NONE would want to see the son of our great Founder in jail, out of respect to his father....& yet, over such small matter, he not only took flight, but sought POLITICAL ASYLUM & his hurtful tirades against Singapore....

If he is honest & truly had no political interests, not just for himself but for his immediate family of wife & kids, he can just simply return to Singapore & would not be harmed, lived out the rest of his life in wealth, not just for himself but for his immediate family whom will be treated as EQUALS in our society - to work hard & be successful life, contribute to our society's progress & evolution, in honest, legal & ethical ways. Our PM is now Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, & not Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong.


Hard working my foot.