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Asia Sentinel - EU Sanctions ‘Kill Singaporean Shipping Company Stone Dead’


https://www.asiasentinel.com/p/eu-sanctions-singapore-shipping-stone-dead (Paywalled, but can register for one week free trial to read).









"Officials at Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower told local media on June 24 that Adkins’ work visa denial was unrelated to the Russian sanctions levied against his company and its two cargo vessels and that the application was rejected as "necessary supporting documents were not provided by the due date specified in the application process."

Adkins, however, strongly denied the government assertion his work visa had been rescinded because he was late in supplying the required supported documents. Instead, the shipping executive told Asia Sentinel, the confusion arose because he originally hired a Singaporean third-party visa application company to manage his renewal between last December and this February. When the company failed to deliver, resulting in its rejection, he said, he and Red Box decided to handle things in-house and submitted a fresh application to the Ministry of Manpower in March, in plenty of time for renewal.

What was supposed to be a straightforward visa renewal process then encountered unexplained hiccups, Adkins said, when the ministry not only requested further supporting documents on two separate occasions but even went as far as to ask him to provide a personal statement explaining why he was uniquely qualified to hold his CEO job position, a line of questioning in stark contrast to established public reportage about Adkins and Red Box, which clearly established him as one of the founding members of the company and the main driver behind moving its headquarters to Singapore back in April 2020.

Adkins’ existing work visa expired on May 10. By the time he terminated his employment as Red Box CEO on April 29 due to lack of clarity regarding his legal status to continue working in Singapore, he still hadn’t heard from the manpower ministry regarding his second work visa renewal application.

Almost a month since Adkins’ visa expiry and more than three months since he submitted his second application, the manpower ministry claimed that it is still being processed.

Like this means can POFMA CNA for fake news?




Hahaha.MOM working in cahoots with EU. Of course MOM has all sorts of excuse not to give you a work pass at that given time.
Don't be pissed.