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Arrest warrant for Putin none for Bush


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
As long as he is in power , they cannot touch him, but once he is deposed, they may even arrest him for extradition.
That is why some parties cling on to power desperately as they have too many skeletons in the cupboard , even to the point of destroying own siblings


Like that what about NSF conscript.... no war in region why force 18 y.o boys to waste 2 years of his life...


Putin is stopping depopulation of enemy after the war is over. War is for adult game...

Also stop fake news media abused of children rights taking pictures of children in war time to provoke sympathy to the world... ICC shd arrest media warmongers too...

No wonder don't see children pictures abused by fake news media.... they can't find one.... hahaha...

maybe he had set new precedent in war game.... NWO how war shd be fought among adult warmongers...

This war is like a family dispute and of same faith Jesus... so take away children for safe keeping like uncles and aunties help safe keeping their nieces, nephews and cousins while they fight a peacefully war between adults.... knowing their children are safe right now taken cares and one less worries...

Better still, couples can sleep well and more sex to increase population growth when war game is over...

Internet services is working and parents can see and chats with their children too....

No wonder US is wasting time in this wargame and losing money....
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As long as he is in power , they cannot touch him, but once he is deposed, they may even arrest him for extradition.
That is why some parties cling on to power desperately as they have too many skeletons in the cupboard , even to the point of destroying own siblings
Bush is no longer in power.