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armarikag army


How did military life change you and the people you served with? Did you notice that, over time, the “moral compass” that guided you had to be reset?

I have to be honest and say that I don’t think I had much of a “moral compass” prior to my time in the Marine Corps. Sure, my parents raised me well and taught me to be nice to other people. But I was still able to become a murderer after 13 weeks of Marine Corps training. That’s how powerful the indoctrination is.

Marines are routinely referred to as bitches, pussies, cunts, faggots and queers. The dominant culture’s ideology is firmly at work during training. You must implant the seeds of dehumanisation in order to convince 18-year-old kids to fly half way around the world to murder people. Therefore, Iraqis and Afghans were referred to as hajis, sand niggers, camel jockeys and towel heads.


Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
At least in America, he was allowed to speak freely. If he were a Chinese in CCP China, he would have disappeared. The same goes for Russia.