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Ariffin Iskandar Sha Ali Akbar is a certified pussy bapok as he has no courage to fight his own legal case. Confirmed a criminal 100%



Wake Up Singapore founder and contributor to plead guilty over defaming KKH in false miscarriage story​

The founder of the alternative news site is set to plead guilty along with the woman who submitted the false miscarriage story.
Wake Up Singapore founder and contributor to plead guilty over defaming KKH in false miscarriage story


Ariffin, who is represented by lawyer Gino Hardial Singh, was given the plead-guilty date on Wednesday (Jul 3) at a further mention of his case.

His co-accused, who is represented by Ms Jacintha Gopal and Mr Mohamed Hashim H Sirajudeen, had indicated that she would be pleading guilty a day earlier.