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Argentina should be the next World Cup winner based on this trend...




My uncle also think quite likelee arsegintina will take cup this round.

Leecollection of Euro 2020 leelayed to 2021 due to COVID-19 Italee beaten England in penalties.

Then later italee beaten by arsegintina in a friendlee match who won the coppa amerika after beating brazil
Maradona died in 2020

Hence my uncle got this feeling arsegintina might collect 2 trophies home leelating to Maradona death


But somehow my uncle got this feeling arsegintina might chut some patten and not win Croatia during ft so he might go for a draw at ft leepending on odds movements on kickoff day KNN and my uncle is eyeing on the big fat meat morocco :geek:
So My uncle looking at a final of arsegintina vs Morocco and thats the time Morocco will get trash by arsegintina at ft ?
Will the 大节剧 goes like this ? KNN
