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Are You Underestimating CHINA'S Chip Prowess? WATCH THIS!



Are You Underestimating CHINA'S Chip Prowess? WATCH THIS!​

Where are those USA brown nosers now?

Just a few months ago, they were thumping on their own chests and waving palm leaves over their own heads that China is 5 years to 10 years behind USA in semi conductors and chip manufacturing.

They huddling together now to generate fake stories now of chinese aircraft carrier sinking in Taklamakan Desert together with a dozen Chinese nuclear submarines?

I suggest that they should get ready for Kamala winning the USA presidency, and the fun and laughters that will result in

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Are You Underestimating CHINA'S Chip Prowess? WATCH THIS!​

Where are those USA brown nosers now?

Just a few months ago, they were thumping on their own chests and waving palm leaves over their own heads that China is 5 years to 10 years behind USA in semi conductors and chip manufacturing.

They huddling together now to generate fake stories now of chinese aircraft carrier sinking in Taklamakan Desert together with a dozen Chinese nuclear submarines?

I suggest that they should get ready for Kamala winning the USA presidency, and the fun and laughters that will result in

View attachment 207294

View attachment 207295
U see loh...are u in Semicon before?


ALl these China Chip cheerleaders..are basically those 5 cents die hard 铁粉 if u really believe China us so good...please do so.

It is just like those pre Covid China economy cheerleaders who dun believe china property will go belly up within 5yrs.

My tiongkok friends told me..CCP will not let Property Collapse as China need property market to boost economy growth. Any 5% growth = Zero Growth

From the horse mouth