• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

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Are you like me don’t even bother to read news on pritam Singh or whatever?


In fact I don’t read 99% of news. Why are people so free?
So free to read news, talk shit on watches, do evil act innocent, act poor thing stir shit to persecute me like @NanoSpeed. Where’s the time from? Of course stolen from company time lah take salary don’t do work Cantonese dog son of prostitute @NanoSpeed you think you can act kind and do defamation to me with your crooked gang of Cantonese dogs of chickens @Houri @sbfuncle @GUDANGARAM etc and get away untouched by heaven? 门都没有


So free to read news, talk shit on watches, do evil act innocent, act poor thing stir shit to persecute me like @NanoSpeed. Where’s the time from? Of course stolen from company time lah take salary don’t do work Cantonese dog son of prostitute @NanoSpeed you think you can act kind and do defamation to me with your crooked gang of Cantonese dogs of chickens @Houri @sbfuncle @GUDANGARAM etc and get away untouched by heaven? 门都没有
So proud of myself every minute I spent to fight crimes by these evil shameless Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes @NanoSpeed Malaysian criminal with his 小弟self claimed sinkie traitor dogs @Houri @sbfuncle @GUDANGARAM etc is my own time and not stolen time that Cantonese dogs use to do crimes to me.


Can’t be forever so stupid to do things for people with no equivalent benefits right? Read news to support sinkie opposition and then get hammered by these oppo dogs that ganged up with pappy dogs to harass and insult me ? So stupid indeed. My enemies’ enemies are my best friends now. Never too late to learn in life indeed.


So free to read news, talk shit on watches, do evil act innocent, act poor thing stir shit to persecute me like @NanoSpeed. Where’s the time from? Of course stolen from company time lah take salary don’t do work Cantonese dog son of prostitute @NanoSpeed you think you can act kind and do defamation to me with your crooked gang of Cantonese dogs of chickens @Houri @sbfuncle @GUDANGARAM etc and get away untouched by heaven? 门都没有
Another reason why Cantonese dogs @NanoSpeed @Houri @GUDANGARAM @sbfuncle etc so free to do crimes 说三道四 besides stolen company time is of course do crimes no need proof just deny can Liao the poor victim of their crimes got to spend time fight crimes and prove prove prove. Challenge them just say you can’t prove can do crimes liao with their Cantonese dog son of chicken pride.




Read for what?

You don't need to read. You are fucked by bahyis day in day out!
