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Are Cantonese women that open leg big big sell nude buy Porsche or 自导自演fake thrown eggs taking over the sell nude industry?



Cloaca: The cloaca is the only hole for the reproductive and digestive system of a chicken. The cloaca, also known as the vent, is where chickens poop from, where the eggs come out, and where they mate with a rooster. Yikes! This may bother some people when thinking about eating their eggs. However, no need to fear. When laying an egg, a chicken’s vagina flips inside out of the cloaca, so the egg never touches the poop area to become contaminated. Whew!
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Tell that to your self admitted dirty slut Cantonese chicken mother Pui!


Is the chicken virgin?

Oh....I remember your other thread - all chicken are virgins.
See everyone? Everyday I am not here upping their Cantonese chicken slut threads at peak hour but Cantonese dogs sons of chicken @NanoSpeed aka @cat continue to persecute me hokkien virgin as chicken when they claim innocent and dare not swear if I am a virgin they die a violent death. Pui!


Tell that to your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting chicken threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!


hanor, this fucking piece of cheesepie will come with an up-sized mcfurry :whistling:
Tell that to your Cantonese chicken mother that sell cb have sex with boss to climb up ladder. Now we all know social media is no different from old media full of evil criminal dogs like you that twist facts of I shouted at McCully for endorsing kt latha sexual harassment of me into I have sex with McCully. That’s the way you Cantonese dog prostitute descendant win in life by play dirty tricks and suck boss cock and trample your opponent with evil filthy lies Pui!


all because of women's charter....they lose half their assets and forever pay alimony otherwise....don't get married.
Your brother in law is doing a good job running the marriage. Why you self righteous and felt something must be done ?

Is it because your felt there's a need or you feel justice need to be done ?
Tell that to your cheating Cantonese chicken mother because a hokkien virgin is impossible to cheat. Pui!


finally can go home. she said she will sent me home in her bmw...yeah...no need to take mrt. waiting for her to come out of toilet and can go home liao! finally! knn, just realized almost 10pm liao! no OT pay! sianzzz :frown:
Tell that to your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting and upping chicken threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!


Great laying chickens for hobby in 2023 Chicken breeds, Laying  chickens breeds, Best egg laying chickens

Great laying chickens for hobby in 2023 Chicken breeds, Laying chickens breeds, Best egg laying chickens
Tell that to your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting and upping chicken threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!



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Tell that to your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting and upping chicken threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!



The notoriously loose female red-sided garter snake earned her reputation.

In a typical intercourse session, a single female will take on as many as a hundred males. They all pile up on her, forming a giant, writhing ball of indecency.

What’s more, each male has two cocks. He must fuck her with both at the same time, because apparently just the one isn’t enough for her.
Tell that to your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting and upping chicken slut whore mistress threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!





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嘴巴放干净点广东狗自己是小三commit adultery with your married Shanghai mistress and your Cantonese self admitted DIRTY SLUT mother with your FOUR self admitted father is the 小三。 Pui!



Tsk tsk tsk everything you Cantonese dog son of chicken said the opposite is the truth, you defame Gansiokbin as chicken is called I promote myself as virgin. I cannot state fact that i am virgin but must accept defamation by you evil Cantonese dogs that feel entitled to hide in rat hole trample me with your prostitute descendant mouth. And your shameless lies dare not take up my virginity test challenge yet keep repeating lies to defame Gansiokbin cannot prove. Pui!