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Arab gomen are too coward to israel. The guerilla army of the people are not.

syed putra

Soon, there will be another Arab spring

Drone attack kills four Israeli soldiers and injures more than 60​

26 minutes ago
Wyre Davies
Middle East correspondent
Reporting fromJerusalem
Aleks Phillips and Adam Durbin
BBC News
Reporting fromLondon
Getty Images An Israeli soldier watches an ambulance in Binyamina
Getty Images
Four soldiers have been killed and more than 60 other people injured in a drone strike targeting an army base in northern Israel, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has said.
The IDF added seven soldiers had been severely injured in the attack on a base "adjacent to Binyamina" - a town around 20 miles (33km) to the south of Haifa.
Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for the attack, which it said targeted a training camp of the Israeli Defence Forces' (IDF) Golani Brigade in the area, which is based between Tel Aviv and Haifa.


When you squeeze the balls of an arab or fake arab hard, they will remember the pain. haha!

Try squeezing the balls of the fake arabs in the forum, you will know.


Alfrescian (Inf)
as long as Jews and MuSLIMEs are killing each other..................it's a great day on Earth................hope for great day ............every day...........


Only Israel wants Iran dead. Once that is done, Israel will be the only power in middle East. The rest haVe been eliminated or neutered.
Bibi is targeting Suprème Leader

Bibi need a friendly Iran new regime as a leverage against Saudi in this power game