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AR-1 MLRS: China’s Game-Changing Rocket Artillery System Explained



AR-1 MLRS: China’s Game-Changing Rocket Artillery System Explained

10 Oct 2024
The AR-1 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), developed by China's defense giant NORINCO, marks a major advancement in rocket artillery. Building upon the PHL03, the AR-1 debuted in 2009 and has become a cornerstone of China's artillery power. Equipped with ten 300mm rocket launch tubes and mounted on an 8x8 wheeled chassis, the AR-1 offers superior mobility, rapid firepower deployment, and high versatility across varied terrains.

Designed to overwhelm enemy positions with massive firepower, the AR-1's rockets come with a range of warheads, from high-explosive to cluster munitions, targeting personnel, armor, and infrastructure. NORINCO has expanded the system with variants like the AR-1A, which introduces a modular design for faster reloading, and the AR-2, with an extended range of up to 130 km. The AR-3, the latest evolution, adds even more destructive power with larger 370mm rockets and advanced targeting capabilities.

Used by the People’s Liberation Army and exported to countries like Pakistan, the AR-1 series continues to be a key player in modern warfare, offering both precision and high-volume firepower in challenging combat scenarios. Learn more about the AR-1 and its variants in this deep dive into China’s cutting-edge MLRS technology.