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Anyone here kiss and lick ass hole before?how does it taste like??

Singapore Dancing Spirit


Beauty in the eye of the beholder’ has a literal meaning: that the perception of beauty is subjective – people can have differing opinions on what is beautiful. So what one person perceives as flawless, and captivating might be ordinary or unappealing to another.

Similarly, Taste of a delicacy is in the tongue of the beholder

It’s amazing how one person’s spicy is another person’s mild, yet that’s the reaction two people had about the stuffed peppers that was served. I was even surprised at the difference in how they had assessed the heat intensity between the different variations of stuffed banana peppers and how those opinions differed from person to person.

Let me tell you I have eaten a mango last night and the tastes was awesome. Definitely It was the best mango ever...
Does it make it any sense to you??

No unless you actually take a sip from me and tasting it yourself. Similarly Certain questions should not be asked. as it is a taboo, some may say terrific, and some may horrible as he may have licked an asshole (super unclean/bad ass)

Hope that clarifies.