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Anwar Ibrahim Visiting Singapore


Alfrescian (Inf)
Will Pinky abang-abang with Anwar like he did with Jib-gor?



Alfrescian (Inf)
he was jailed for sodomy and pardoned by agung.
Anyone can be incriminated unfairly, including Anwar. Either you are dumb enough not to see Madhatter was framing him or you were just acting blur. Calling you a low-IQ dumb mudd is indeed fully justified.

syed putra

Anyone can be incriminated unfairly, including Anwar. Either you are dumb enough not to see Madhatter was framing him or you were just acting blur. Calling you a low-IQ dumb mudd is indeed fully justified.
He was convicted under najib for sodomy.
Under dr m, he was not convicted for sodomy. Anwar won that case. He was jailed for abuse of power. Asking the cops to threaten a witness,

orh mee suah

Supposedly NED's favorite man to be Malaysia's PM.
Might have issues with Singapore regarding the ECRL project during his term.


Anwar has zero bargaining power. All cards are stacked against him.
Very likely he is here to borrow your CPF money, in return for some concessions.
Like water.
Like dropping demands on pedra branca
Like allowing seletar airport approach from johor
Like high speed railway with even worse terms for Malaysia than before
Like air traffic control over peninsula and scs.
Like appointing LHL to crown prince of johor so he can be addressed as royal highness.