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Another soul got harvested




Looked like they saw the angel of death coming.
There was even one guy in black beating the air trying to fight off Izrail.

The post by laksaboy at more than half the video explain that nanites/ nano devices are in the body of the human, activated by something ( maybe 5G) to kill the person.

Apparently, the vaccines, might not be all of them, contains nanites with a program written in them to kill humans. That is why all of them die in the same way.

The cabal needs to show their agenda to the public ( in the movie or other media routes) so that it acts like getting your consent for their action so that karma will not go after them and their agenda will be a success. It is like getting permission from you for them to kill you.

I think they bend around the -universal law of free will- to prevent them from getting karma for their negative action.
