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Another Idiotic Suggestion from LTA



Idiots at LTA do not realise anti lock brakes are the most dangerous on bikes esp when they are leaning into turns. That millisecond of pulsing will either cause the rear tire to lose grip and slide or it will throw off the rider when the tires bite the tarmac. And when it is applied to the front brakes, not even professional racers can control it. That's why it has never been applied to race bikes but it is safely applied to race cars only

No jurisdiction has mandated this to bikes and LTA wants to be the first Yaya papaya to implement it? They will see more deaths instead.

Riding is a skilled activity and the only way to prevent skidding is practicing controlled front brake application + countersteer.

I bet none of the idiots at LTA has ever done a countersteer on a skidding rear tire before.

Nicompoops! Idiots! Bakaryo! Pukimaks!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Nothing to do with 'safety', it's just to extract more money through fines and their cronies who supply or install the motorbike parts. :wink: