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Another HDB $1.2 millionaire. Thank you PAP


I chat with colleagues all happy but wat they Don know is their next generation will suffer,but no choice cos all greed n tot their pigeon holes worth something but wat they Don know is they hv only one pigeon holes ,it Don benefit commoners only pap gain cos they hv multiple units ,lol,70% sinkies are dumb


Super Moderator
I chat with colleagues all happy but wat they Don know is their next generation will suffer,but no choice cos all greed n tot their pigeon holes worth something but wat they Don know is they hv only one pigeon holes ,it Don benefit commoners only pap gain cos they hv multiple units ,lol,70% sinkies are dumb
It’s unfortunate that some of my kakis are celebrating the recent $300 from the CDC vouchers and $300 from the Electrical Appliances voucher. :confused::confused::confused:


Buyer must be cash or loan rich paying 1.2mil for a HDB resale unit.
Anyway buyer or seller must be laughing to their bank too