The Optus broadbrand services are getting very very slow to download. Go to toilet and back and the page is still downloading. Optus also subcon their broadbband to Virgins, ACN and Vodafone, and all these jammed up the services.
Looks like GIC knows only how to buy for investment but can't managed their assets. Heresay some PAP SAF scholars are here managing Optus and guess they are either here on holidays, fishing or spend most of the time sleeping than working to improve their broadband services.
Their broadband services are so poor you can say they say it really sucks and fuck. It took me 2 minutes for Optus to download a Sammyboy page, can you believe it?
You can expect another GIC overseas investment loss if their Optus broadband services are that bad uhh!
Looks like GIC knows only how to buy for investment but can't managed their assets. Heresay some PAP SAF scholars are here managing Optus and guess they are either here on holidays, fishing or spend most of the time sleeping than working to improve their broadband services.
Their broadband services are so poor you can say they say it really sucks and fuck. It took me 2 minutes for Optus to download a Sammyboy page, can you believe it?
You can expect another GIC overseas investment loss if their Optus broadband services are that bad uhh!