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Posted on 07 May 2010
First Ferrari, now Lamborghini on fire at Holland Park
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Reuben sent in a video of this Black Lamborghini which had caught fire at Holland Park around 2pm today (May 7).
The STOMPer says:
"I saw this flaming Lambo at Holland Park.
"The video was just taken a while ago, around 2pm.
"I was driving home and saw this smoking car with a skinny Chinese man, possibly in his early 30s, talking on his mobile phone and standing next to the car.
"I then took the video and 10 minutes after I stopped capturing, the car caught fire.
"There was a lorry nearby and one of the workers had a fire extinguisher.
"After the fire was put out, the car continued smoking and 10 minutes later, the car caught fire again.
"Then about 5 minutes after I had left the scene, I heard sirens.
"Nobody was hurt."
In a span of two weeks, this is the second report STOMP has received of a luxury car going up in flames.
Last week (April 28), several STOMPers spotted a Ferrari on fire along Stamford Road.
Black Lamborghini goes up in flames and smoke at Holland Park
Click on thumbnails for larger image
First Ferrari, now Lamborghini on fire at Holland Park
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Reuben sent in a video of this Black Lamborghini which had caught fire at Holland Park around 2pm today (May 7).
The STOMPer says:
"I saw this flaming Lambo at Holland Park.
"The video was just taken a while ago, around 2pm.
"I was driving home and saw this smoking car with a skinny Chinese man, possibly in his early 30s, talking on his mobile phone and standing next to the car.
"I then took the video and 10 minutes after I stopped capturing, the car caught fire.
"There was a lorry nearby and one of the workers had a fire extinguisher.
"After the fire was put out, the car continued smoking and 10 minutes later, the car caught fire again.
"Then about 5 minutes after I had left the scene, I heard sirens.
"Nobody was hurt."
In a span of two weeks, this is the second report STOMP has received of a luxury car going up in flames.
Last week (April 28), several STOMPers spotted a Ferrari on fire along Stamford Road.
Black Lamborghini goes up in flames and smoke at Holland Park
Click on thumbnails for larger image