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Another familiar SLS shop bite the dust



Old-school game shop at Sim Lim Square to close physical store after 32 years​

asiaone.com9 hours ago

Old-school game shop at Sim Lim Square to close physical store after 32 years

Tec-Drome Pte Ltd's storefront (left) and some of the games on clearance sale (right).
Since 1992, Woo Liah Meng, more fondly known to his customers as 'Games Uncle', has sold video games, consoles and other electronic devices at his store Tec-Drome Pte Ltd.


Countdown 10 days before we move out from #05-78 Sim Lim Square," he wrote.

But the business will not be gone for good as Liah Meng will continue selling his products on Facebook and Lazada.

"Thank you all these years for your support and patronage, and more important your understanding," he told his customers gratefully.

"If you have time do drop by, wish to personally thank all of you! See you!"