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Another Dictator Going Down!!!


North Korean diplomats prepare for 'Kim Jong-il announcement'
North Korean diplomats abroad have been ordered to stay close to their embassies and await an "important announcement," according to a Japanese newspaper.

By Julian Ryall in Tokyo
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2008

The news has prompted speculation that North Korea's officials are to be informed that "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-il has died or that Pyongyang is carrying out its threat to sever all ties with South Korea.

Despite supporting Washington's decision to revoke Pyongyang's status of a supporter of terrorism, Seoul has incurred the North's anger over what it sees as hardline policies.

An announcement is expected within the next two days, but Toshimitsu Shigemura, a professor of international relations at Tokyo's Waseda University, believes it may not be related to Kim's health.

"If he was dead, the North Koreans would have sealed the borders and not be letting anyone in or out, just as they did when his father, Kim Il-sung, died," he said.

The rumours circulating that Kim is dead have caused instability in North Korea's diplomatic corps, Professor Shigemura said, and the announcement may very well be a carefully worded instruction to remain loyal to the regime or have the diplomats' families still in North Korea face the consequences.

Professor Shigemura's contacts have told him that a family of high-ranking North Korean diplomats have defected and are seeking asylum.

"I understand that they were based in China but that they may have got to the United States," he said. "At the moment, the North Korean authorities are trying to find them but also want to stop any others from defecting."

Kim Myong Chol, as executive director of the Center for U.S.-North Korea Peace the mouthpiece for Pyongyang, played down the importance of the report, describing the report in the Yomiuri newspaper as "unfounded."

"I have never heard of this sort of order being given in the past and I've not heard anything of importance from the embassies in Beijing or New York," he said. "I do not think anything of importance is happening."


Alfrescian (Inf)

Dictators don't go down quietly! :biggrin: