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Angmoh the best uk 100 policemen searched ALL houses within 2km of last possible sighting of victim that vanished in unclear cctv and found her body


Under lock and hidden behind piles of rubbish in cabinet. Go to such extent to search for missing victim and found her really impressive 真赞!


21 year old girl who was killed because her bf was 渣男 that didn’t stay at home to take care of their two cats as promised and she walked back from her parents home to go back to her home to feed their two cats at 2 am and was kidnapped and killed by a neighbour that had been stalking her along the way.


21 year old girl who was killed because her bf was 渣男 that didn’t stay at home to take care of their two cats as promised and she walked back from her parents home to go back to her home to feed their two cats at 2 am and was kidnapped and killed by a neighbour that had been stalking her along the way.
Didn’t I say good husband good bf is very important to a woman’s life?