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AMK anti-CCP Dictatorship & Bilingual Youtuber, can even sing peking opera! (@LeLeFarley)


Communist word means glory to Vietnam war 1963 to 1975 won the war against US and 5eye and West... a 11 year war in Asia longest war ever fought in the history of wars..... beat WW2...

The West hated they are loser in war.... like Olympic Games every sports they must have highest gold medals....

Keep abuse Communist word more.... and with one strings of words.... 'Communist won the 11 years of Vietnam war 1963 to 1975 against the west'... a game changer...

Want to try Vietnam war V2.0? Booby traps keng kings waiting for you...

next time ICC have a team of lawyers follow the war.... charge war crime criminals, like issue illegal parking tickets, and get paid legal fees to put food on the table, lobsters, for their families...

How's that...
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Communist word means glory to Vietnam war 1963 to 1975 won the war against US and 5eye and West... a 11 year war in Asia longest war every fight in a history of wars..... beat WW2...

The West hated they are loser in war.... like Olympic Games every sports they must have highest gold medals....

Keep abuse Communist word more.... and with one strings of words.... 'Communist won the 11 years of Vietnam war 1963 to 1975 against the west'... a game changer...

Want to try Vietnam war V2.0? Booby traps kings waiting for you...

How's that...

Comrade Tan,
3 cheers to the Great chairman MAO, who had sacrificed for and contributed his life to China. US Imperialism is Paper Tiger!


A Singaporean

His mandarin 200 times better than yours. You not even good enough to suck his cock.
Absolutely that is why he has my respect but not monolingual Singlish speaking angmoh wannabe Sinkie like you. But you definitely good enough to suck his cock. LOL.


Absolutely that is why he has my respect but not monolingual Singlish speaking angmoh wannabe Sinkie like you. But you definitely good enough to suck his cock. LOL.

@LeLeFarley 's mandarin is also way better than your president Xi Jinping.​
