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American navy protecting Mudland oil platforms

syed putra

Under najib, china submarines used Malaysian facilities in kota kinabalu.
Parked next to Malaysian scorpene, which is used by India.and maybe Australia. So this submarine is no more useful against China submarine.
Under Dr m, everything anti. Anti singapore. Anti china. Anti US.
Now under muhyiddin, its more pro US.
Those US littoral ships are based 8n Changi.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Under najib, china submarines used Malaysian facilities in kota kinabalu.
Parked next to Malaysian scorpene, which is used by India.and maybe Australia. So this submarine is no more useful against China submarine.
Under Dr m, everything anti. Anti singapore. Anti china. Anti US.
Now under muhyiddin, its more pro US.
Those US littoral ships are based 8n Changi.

Yanks will abandon you at their convenience. The Kurds experience is the latest example.