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Amdk still can de woh...84yr old becum Lao Peh, kym bro Glockman and SBFUncker, pls do your best to populate SG core



Al Pacino says 'it's fun' to be a new dad at 84​

Colin Paterson - Entertainment Correspondent
Tue, 15 October 2024 at 8:13 pm SGT9-min read

The Godfather has never been a godfather.
At least, he is pretty sure that is the case.
One of the biggest film stars of all time, Al Pacino is sitting in a suite in a Beverly Hills hotel, looking surprised at the idea that this is an honour which has passed him by.
“I’m not convinced, but I don’t hang with people who’d ask me that, I guess," he muses.
"I don’t remember anybody asking me that."


Al Fuckino got plenty money and connects in Holywood. Which bitch actress don't want his sperm and $M child support?