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AMDK ship to be named after an Arab


Alfrescian (Inf)
Moroccans are Berbers not Arabs though they speak the Arabic language.

No lah, North Africa is Arab country. Berbers are like the orang asli of the region where Morocco is located. They don't call the shots anymore.

syed putra

Moroccans are Berbers not Arabs though they speak the Arabic language.
Berbers like many others ended up being arabs. Middle east are not all of Arabic blood. Middke east is a muxture of old empires that came and went. Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, greek, roman. But they all speak arabic currently. And declare themselves arabs.
If you look at the moroccan players, or saudi, some are of mixed blood with africans. Morocco lies on a salt trade route to europe from timbuktu,
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