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AMDK Mark fuckerberg survives congressional grilling, FB stock rises


Lieutenant General

Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg fielded 10 hours of questions over two days from nearly 100 U.S. lawmakers and emerged largely unscathed and considerably richer.

He parried questions of how much control people have over their data on the world’s largest social media network without a major gaffe, while avoiding being cornered into supporting new government regulation.

The hearings that ended on Wednesday revealed no consensus among U.S. lawmakers about what kind of privacy legislation they might want to pursue, if any, and no timeline for action. As he did on Tuesday before a Senate hearing, Zuckerberg refused during a House of Representatives committee hearing to make any promises to support new legislation or change how the social network does business.

“It is inevitable that there will need to be some regulation” of internet firms, Zuckerberg said, but he avoided any specifics.

More at https://www.prolificcrap.com/forum/...uckerberg-unscathed-by-congressional-grilling