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amdk Humanitarian Aid is just a bullshit

syed putra

They already acknowledge that just a small percentage of the aid money actually went to the targeted recipients. Maybe 10% if lucky. Most are for operations and management. In other words, big portion went to people handling the sid.

Scrooball (clone)

They already acknowledge that just a small percentage of the aid money actually went to the targeted recipients. Maybe 10% if lucky. Most are for operations and management. In other words, big portion went to people handling the sid.
Same as NKF then


Details of the first scandal over a decade ago stunned many Singaporeans. In 2004, NKF, then under Durai's management, sued The Straits Times newspaper for a report that said he enjoyed unusual perks and luxuries, including a set of gold-plated taps in his office bathroom.

In the ensuring trial the following year, it emerged that Durai earned S$25,000 a month, received annual bonuses that amounted to S$1.8 million between 2002 and 2004, used NKF funds to maintain his personal car (a Mercedes-Benz 200), and travelled frequently on first-class flights.

He also served in paid directorships the NKF board did not know about, under-declared the amount of funds that the charity possessed, and exaggerated the number of patients under NKF’s care to get more donations.


if durai did not sue shit times , he could have got a national day award badge. and many sinkies would not be stunned.
