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Amdk accuse Qatar of inhumane migrant worker conditions, what about Singkeeland?


Singkeeland our dorms for bangala no aircon? Beds are bad, crowded , kitchrn hygiene also lousy.

What about sex workers in geylang?

What about poorly paid maids?

Why amdk no target Singkeeland?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Singkeeland our dorms for bangala no aircon? Beds are bad, crowded , kitchrn hygiene also lousy.

What about sex workers in geylang?

What about poorly paid maids?

Why amdk no target Singkeeland?
You will see a lot of pappy cocksuckers go into full offensive mode.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sinkieland is opposite. Give the serfs too much welfare... probably treating them better than NS slaves.

You have these 'migrant workers' rights' NGOs constantly kissing their asses, and a bunch of jiakliaobee career politicians who use them to virtue signal about how 'inclusive' this island is. :rolleyes: