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Already black skin complexion... and go to black side of the moon... who is more black then...


Everyone knows must bring touch lights with you when go out at night... or dark place in a location...
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High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Everyone knows must bring touch lights with you when go out at night... or dark place in a location...

Ahneh space craft has no big spot lights installed on the chasis... spot lights need batteries and batteries need charged when low... where are the spot lights batteries located.....

these technical questions must make sense... therefore only stupid and idiot people go to the dark side of a location...

This thread is extremely racist and also ignores the fact that many Indians are fairer than the average chink.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This thread is extremely racist and also ignores the fact that many Indians are fairer than the average chink.

This one is too dark, too fair or just the right shade?
