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All domestic workers and banglas must not be allowed to flood Orchard Road and Little India


If one of them has Wuhan virus, it will spread from maid to the families they work for. Similarly, the Bangla workers will also spread amongst themselves and infect everyone they come into contact.

Will the authorities do something about these maids, banglas, etc?

sam heng

Nah, it’s a chink original disease, they didn’t cancel the chingay Ang Bao river thing also. No worry.


Alfrescian (Inf)
If one of them has Wuhan virus, it will spread from maid to the families they work for. Similarly, the Bangla workers will also spread amongst themselves and infect everyone they come into contact.

Will the authorities do something about these maids, banglas, etc?
most likely places to be infected are indoors with ac, especially toilets with no covers. out in the open under the hot sun is the least likeliest place as ultraviolet light and ambient heat above 36.9 degrees c kill viruses.


Fucking PAP and their 10million population GDP. Fuck your mother's dead cheebye. Lee Hsien Loong.