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All chinese are dirty and disgusting people


All Chinese people have disgusting and filthy habits that are putting the rest of us at risk. Eat wild animals, spread virus. Burn joss paper, destroy the environment. A bunch of good for nothing race, full of greed and absolute racist.


Dirty and filthy Chinatowns all over the world are absolute proof that Chinese are a dirty and disgusting race.


Without a doubt.
Indians are the filthiest around.
Look at this dirty hoe and her black cunt, i can smell her stench looking at this picture. Her smelly dirty filthy cunt.

images (14).jpeg

syed putra

All Chinese people have disgusting and filthy habits that are putting the rest of us at risk. Eat wild animals, spread virus. Burn joss paper, destroy the environment. A bunch of good for nothing race, full of greed and absolute racist.
You are too polite.
They are very much worse.


All Chinese people have disgusting and filthy habits that are putting the rest of us at risk. Eat wild animals, spread virus. Burn joss paper, destroy the environment. A bunch of good for nothing race, full of greed and absolute racist.

Weak lah. Try harder :rolleyes:


All Chinese people have disgusting and filthy habits that are putting the rest of us at risk. Eat wild animals, spread virus. Burn joss paper, destroy the environment. A bunch of good for nothing race, full of greed and absolute racist.

Then ah neh not racist???


Disgusting black pig. Look at her filthy hole, even a rat wouldn't enter.

Yes fucking disgusting! Totally black and smelly and loose and fat! I cant imagine being an ah neh and i have to fuck my own kind! I would rather be monk if i were them!


But no words in indian to describe CCB. Its because it does not exist in india unlike china where it is rampant.

Different language! Ah neh nation has alot of different language so some might have CCB as you might not even know! Ah neh is mostly all black but why cant speak the same language!

We chinese can speak same language as a whole even chinese has many different dialect!

syed putra

Different language! Ah neh nation has alot of different language so some might have CCB as you might not even know! Ah neh is mostly all black but why cant speak the same language!

We chinese can speak same language as a whole even chinese has many different dialect!
Indians use English, the international language to communicate between one another.