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Ahneh are going back to make India a developed country... bye bye ahneh....


.... fuck back to India. Fake degrees can build and develop India into a developed country.....
.... pigs can fly....



the order is this

ang moh kia at the top

inferior copycat slanties follow since they can only copy but can't invent anything new, as always

-failed races or countries are numerous, too many to list.

this includes ceca, russkie, iran, niggaz, asean natives, latin americans, arabs due to negro blood and south asia, central asia, eastern euros etc etc

point to be noted there is no mini ceca country, mini russkie country, mini iran that has proven that yes, ceca can make it, that yes, iran can make it, that yes, russkies can make it.

no such mini ceca mini iran mini russkie country exists that could transform in the matter of 30 years swiftly from a backward sh*thole to an advanced one capable of doing many complicated things.

that is the bottleneck for all these races.

for tiongs, they can be second tier like all other slanties. copy cat, copy and paste, forever following in footsteps of their ang moh kia masters.