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Ah soh want to cut hair at Organic Salon's boon lay outlet kenna leejected, so she poh mata






Alfrescian (Inf)
When will people stop supporting these shitty cheap hair salons that are only interested to sell you memberships and hard sell other products and services to you? :rolleyes:

Scrooball (clone)

When will people stop supporting these shitty cheap hair salons that are only interested to sell you memberships and hard sell other products and services to you? :rolleyes:
These ppl went in with their eyes wide open. Wanna get $2 haircut, and expect not to get screwed over?

When u pay $2 for a haircut and they don't try to scam u? I will be horrified! How does the economy work?

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
She thought hair cut include pussy hair trimming. Apparently her pussy very smelly the hair groomer buay tahan.