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Ah Neh throws smoke grenade but it does not go as planned


Who's mistake ? KNN my uncle say highway code didn't cover this area KNN
My uncle Lee look KNN more fault lies with ah neh becas
1. If you look at the beginning before ah neh throw smoke grenade the lorlee was already coming and sure with engine sound KNN
2. Lorlee driver already followed standard driving code of conduct I.e slow down upon hazard etc move when is safe to do so KNN in this case he would have thought from pt1 that ah neh already saw him Cumming KNN


Knn.... Lidat , mosquitoes bred from water, so water fault.
if rain water, so clouds fault.
Knn ... Then father mosquito piak piak, also his fault.
Some pariahs son of the gan are like that KNN even late for work also is the bud fault KNN