It is what she testified in court today. Her crony Yi Zheng Xian 余政憲 was the minister of interior affairs 內政部長 same as Wong Kan Seng's post. That was because she had made her husband Ah Bian gave this post. Ah Bian originally had the idea of offering another much lower post to her crony, but this crony Yi Zheng Xian 余政憲 however wanted this post same as Wong Kan Seng, and she made Ah Bian gave it!
So Wong Kan Seng married Ass Loong Son's cousin. I wonder who arranged and how was it arranged to have him appointed as 內政部長 of famiLEE LEEgime?
珍爆料曾幫余政憲 如願當上內政部長
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/03/25 17:05</q>
台北地院審理南港展覽館案,今天傳喚吳淑珍、蔡銘哲和余政憲對質。吳淑珍表示:確實有找余政憲幫忙,但沒有和他談到錢的事情,只拜託余政憲開「最有利標」;另外吳淑珍也爆料:陳水扁總統任內曾經有意讓余政憲出任體委會主委,但他的意願卻是在內政部,吳淑珍說也是她向陳水扁反應,余政憲才能如願當上內政部長。 (黃進恭報導)
吳淑珍下午沒打蛋白針,身體狀況不好,因而改由余政憲、吳淑珍先對質。律師問吳淑珍有沒有幫余政憲喬南港標案,吳淑珍說余政憲來官邸的時候,我問他是否 要標南港案事情,我就拿蔡銘哲單子給余政憲,上面只寫著最有利標字樣,從頭到尾也沒談到錢的事情,吳淑珍說,就她對余政憲了解,談到錢,簡直侮辱余政憲。 台北地檢署檢察官林達問吳淑珍,依照妳跟余政憲關係,怎麼會有把握余政憲會幫忙,吳淑珍大爆料,她說陳水扁當總統時,有意要讓余政憲當體委會主委,但余的 意願在內政部,余政憲有跟她表達這樣意願,吳淑珍最後跟陳水扁講,余政憲如願當上內政部長也顯示兩人二十多年深厚的交情,但此話一出也引發外界爭議。
It is in this corruption trial that all these filthy secrets had been revealed. I can assure you it would just be similar with corrupted famiLEE LEEgime, when they get charged and trialed and jailed like Ah Bian, all their filthy corrupted secrets will be revealed.
This is way I insist that famiLEE LEEgime have to be trialed by a Grand Tribunal of Liquidation.
So Wong Kan Seng married Ass Loong Son's cousin. I wonder who arranged and how was it arranged to have him appointed as 內政部長 of famiLEE LEEgime?
珍爆料曾幫余政憲 如願當上內政部長
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/03/25 17:05</q>
台北地院審理南港展覽館案,今天傳喚吳淑珍、蔡銘哲和余政憲對質。吳淑珍表示:確實有找余政憲幫忙,但沒有和他談到錢的事情,只拜託余政憲開「最有利標」;另外吳淑珍也爆料:陳水扁總統任內曾經有意讓余政憲出任體委會主委,但他的意願卻是在內政部,吳淑珍說也是她向陳水扁反應,余政憲才能如願當上內政部長。 (黃進恭報導)
吳淑珍下午沒打蛋白針,身體狀況不好,因而改由余政憲、吳淑珍先對質。律師問吳淑珍有沒有幫余政憲喬南港標案,吳淑珍說余政憲來官邸的時候,我問他是否 要標南港案事情,我就拿蔡銘哲單子給余政憲,上面只寫著最有利標字樣,從頭到尾也沒談到錢的事情,吳淑珍說,就她對余政憲了解,談到錢,簡直侮辱余政憲。 台北地檢署檢察官林達問吳淑珍,依照妳跟余政憲關係,怎麼會有把握余政憲會幫忙,吳淑珍大爆料,她說陳水扁當總統時,有意要讓余政憲當體委會主委,但余的 意願在內政部,余政憲有跟她表達這樣意願,吳淑珍最後跟陳水扁講,余政憲如願當上內政部長也顯示兩人二十多年深厚的交情,但此話一出也引發外界爭議。
It is in this corruption trial that all these filthy secrets had been revealed. I can assure you it would just be similar with corrupted famiLEE LEEgime, when they get charged and trialed and jailed like Ah Bian, all their filthy corrupted secrets will be revealed.
This is way I insist that famiLEE LEEgime have to be trialed by a Grand Tribunal of Liquidation.