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After being ignored by Anwar, CAQ sends the half breed to kowtow to Anwar.

syed putra

Anwar is half breed himself.just like dr m. Thats why dr m chose him as successor.
Anwar's father is tamil.
And snwar can dance and sing to tamil songs. Hope vivian can speak tamil.

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syed putra

So Anwar is not m&d? Than the only true m&d is Najib?
Najib is of bugis descent.
The bugis were mercenaries and fought alongside malay sultanates,eventually taking over the reign of sultan of johore riau when the last descendant of malacca sultanate died without a heir and none of the relatives wanted to take over.


Najib is of bugis descent.
The bugis were mercenaries and fought alongside malay sultanates,eventually taking over the reign of sultan of johore riau when the last descendant of malacca sultanate died without a heir and none of the relatives wanted to take over.
So bugis more m&d than Anwar n mudhatter?


Bugis intricately are considered as malays. But not javanese who do not consider themselves as one, and a distinctively different culture.
Javanese are in javA .. So so why r they considered m&ds. I thought Najib is a m&d bcos he is the big 4 royalty in his state .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Should have sent Penang boy KBW so they can talk about Kassim Nasi kandar, Apong , penang laksa and penang ferry