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[Big read] Singapore a testing ground for Chinese dance dramas going global​

01 Jul 2024

By Liu Liu
Journalist, Lianhe Zaobao
Liu Liu

Translated by Bai Kelei
Singapore is becoming a premier overseas destination for popular Chinese performances like A Mere Touch of Green and Wing Chun, but even so, local interest remains tepid, observes Lianhe Zaobao journalist Liu Liu.

A Mere Touch of Green saw six shows at the Esplanade in Singapore. (Yin Xiaochen/Neo-Film Media Investment)
A Mere Touch of Green saw six shows at the Esplanade in Singapore. (Yin Xiaochen/Neo-Film Media Investment)

Singapore has recently become the top overseas destination for fine arts performances from China. Since the second half of last year, three popular Chinese dance dramas, including Wing Chun, A Mere Touch of Green, and A Dream of Red Mansions, have been or will be held in Singapore, giving local audiences opportunities to appreciate live performances of top-class Chinese stage arts.
Singaporeans may not realise the immense popularity of these three dance productions in China, or how convenient it is for them to enjoy these performances. In fact, many Chinese travellers fly to Singapore specifically to watch these productions. The arrival of top-tier Chinese intellectual properties (IPs) in Singapore not only promises to spark creativity but also serves as a measure of Singaporeans’ familiarity with and acceptance of Chinese culture.
As the Chinese economy continues to rise and its upper middle class become globetrotters, Chinese art performances are increasingly staged abroad. Yet, does this mean that Chinese productions have garnered foreign followers, expanding their reach beyond domestic audiences