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advice in taking calcium supplement - must read


some quotes from Comments section :

I took K2 100mcg x2/day for about less than 6 months, and it cleared out a lifetime of arterial plaque for me...visible in CT scan,
and then later on, on an MRI. It blew my mind! Worked SO well! I used Sports Research brand from Amazon. Its the MK7 form.
I stay on 100mcg/day and have my family on it, too.

I'm a 75 yr old female. I have been taking K2, Vitamin E supplements for 8 years. My primary Dr sent me to a cardiologist.
Immediately saw my age and said you have 45 % chance of arterial sclerosis...you need to be on statins. I told him I wanted
a CAC test that measures the Calcium in the arteries.
He told me they don't order that test because the insurance won't pay for it. $ 75.00. I insisted. The test is simple an ultrasound,
completely non invasive. The technician ran the test twice. I had NO calcium build up or arterial sclerosis.
I did NOT need a perscription for statins or any other drug. In fact I don't have any prescriptions. I take supplements from
Life Extension Foundation. I just wondered how many of that Doctor's patients were given prescriptions they did not need simply
because he would not run a simple non-invasive test that took 15 minutes. I am happy to know Vit K2 helps the kidneys.


when i was in my 30s, borderline high cholesterol level, this doctor talk as if i gonna die, must take statins, knn after several months i found no difference leh...
i stop taking this shit.....fast forward 30 years limpeh still alive and kicking

in short, dont take any extra chemicals into your body unless in pain
your immune system will take care of it, just eat and exercise in moderation


Calcium is the most important minerals.
Becas of it's importance the normal range is narrowed down to 2.15 to 2.55 mmol/l
One shouldn't take calcium supplements without a loctor guidance becas it can easilee leesult in hypocalcemia which is a verlee serious medical conditions that causes death
If you are not properlee hydrated the outcome will be worse.