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Actor Na Chul passed away in hospital earlier today owing to undisclosed health issues. He was only 36 and was one of the most visible actors of late.


Pfizer or Moderna or both or Bivalent?
Could be Covid or Novavax too. All of these including P, M & B contains spike protein in nanolipids. They can cause heart inflammation and heart damage. No one knows. No one is interested in furthering the research. Vaxxers want to jab say jab good. Antivaxxers say jab is death jab. Life is short anyway. Stay happy. If death strikes, so be it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Who the fuck is Na Chul?
Limpeh only know Na Zha.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Could be Covid or Novavax too. All of these including P, M & B contains spike protein in nanolipids. They can cause heart inflammation and heart damage. No one knows. No one is interested in furthering the research. Vaxxers want to jab say jab good. Antivaxxers say jab is death jab. Life is short anyway. Stay happy. If death strikes, so be it.

No... Covid itself doesn't kill off the young ones suddenly like that.

The so-called 'vaccines' are a systemic genocide, instigated by some very wicked people. :cool:



Wow.. Another one for loving malls and restaurants too much.

OH.. I love malls and restaurants in Malaysia. In one restaurant now waiting for my stirred fried vegetable with rice and egg. Life is good.