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Actions speak louder than words, don't you agree with us, Prime Ministar Lawless Wong?



Second choice PM should practise what he preaches. His exhortations to youth ring hollow when he doesn't walk the talk.

How about taking a pay cut of 60% off your annual remuneration, including your entitlements to other benefits? Your sacrifice of 60% will be regarded as contribution a.k.a. volunteerism to society and not to worry, you'll still be the highest paid head of government in the world, ranked ahead of the president of USA (world's largest economy), China (second largest economy), Japan and India.



Where were the ministars? Where was Cotton Chan a.k.a. Kee Chiu? Pinky? Wooden Goh? Shan? Vivienne Biatch?

How could they have passed this good opportunity up to wayang and show Sinkies that they were willing to sacrifice 60% of their annual remuneration as part of their volunteerism?

Vocab (listed in order of appearance)

Cotton Chan, Kee Chiu = The ministar who was also a President Scholar, believes that cotton comes from sheep

Pinky = third prime ministar

Wooden Goh = second prime ministar who in actual fact was the seat warmer for the third prime ministar

Shan = the ministar with special privileges and who loves to pofma people

Vivienne Biatch = former opthalmologist who failed to make his mark in the field of medicine. He decided to switch to politics. He landed in the ministry of foreign affairs after being shunted from ministry to ministry. Looks down on people who he thinks are not his intellectual equals.