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Accident at Bugis MacDonald drive through


Alfrescian (Inf)


That road is cursed. Many years ago, there was an ATB who was severed into half by a bus turning to Rochor Rd. I was passing by and I saw a pair of legs at the end of the bus, while the hands were sticking out from the front of the bus. Then there's the Ferrari accident with the taxi at the junction of Victoria St and Rochor Rd.


Alfrescian (Inf)
That road is cursed. Many years ago, there was an ATB who was severed into half by a bus turning to Rochor Rd. I was passing by and I saw a pair of legs at the end of the bus, while the hands were sticking out from the front of the bus. Then there's the Ferrari accident with the taxi at the junction of Victoria St and Rochor Rd.

That's what you get for demolishing Johore Road and then the Rochor Centre. I guess our technocrats and scholars aren't into the fengshui stuff. :biggrin: