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ABNN India very excited that Pakistan made 华语 official status, fucked by PAK!



印媒称汉语成巴基斯坦官方语言 巴方回应是鼓励学习
印媒称汉语成巴基斯坦官方语言 巴方回应是鼓励学习

  [环球网报道 记者 朱梦颖]原来,这真的是假新闻!






  《今日印度》:Salaam Walaikum(你好), 你好:巴基斯坦参议院批准宣布汉语为官方语言的议案。  



  消息来自哪?原来是一家名为“Abb takk新闻台”,总部位于巴基斯坦第一大城市——卡拉奇的乌尔都语私人新闻台。环环请教了多名在巴基斯坦工作的中国记者,都没有听过它,暂且就将它排除在巴基斯坦主流媒体之外吧。


  “Abb Takk新闻台”报道截图  










greedy and cunning

pakis are out of their mind,
it is as ridiculous as NZ making burmese an official language
just because there are some good kind gentle burmese living in the country.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Fake news lah. The real story is below.


Sorry, Pakistan Has Not Made Mandarin Its Official Language
Senate had recommended that Pakistanis who work or will work for the Chinese project CPEC in future should be taught Mandarin to prevent communication errors


motion, was lost in the communication.

“This House recommends that, in view of the growing collaboration between Pakistan and China under the CPEC, courses of the Official Chinese Language should be launched for all current and prospective Pakistani CPEC human resource in order to overcome any costly communication barriers."

In plain English, what it meant was that the “House recommends that Pakistanis who work or will work for the Chinese project CPEC in future should be taught Mandarin to prevent communication errors that could prove costly”.

The USD 50 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a network of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan that will connect China's Xinjiang province with Gwadar port in Pakistan's Balochistan province.

The 1973 Constitution recognises Urdu as Pakistan’s only national language. It also promises to make it the official language of the state. “Article 251 of the Constitution says “arrangements shall be made for [Urdu] being used for official and other purposes within [next] fifteen years”. A subclause allows the use of English until those arrangements are made; another subclause permits provinces to promote “provincial languages” alongside Urdu.”

Not just Indian media houses, even Pakistan's Ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani also fell for the fake news. He tweeted: "In a short span of 70 years, Pakistan has flirted with promoting four languages that were not the mother tongue of many people in the country - English, Urdu, Arabic, and now Chinese -- ignoring native languages."

The 'fake news' did seem believable to most, considering Pakistan and China's growing affinity.

According to Dawn News, Pakistanis are more interested in learning the Chinese language than ever as they see the tides changing and expect that knowing Mandarin would mean more job opportunities in Pakistan and China.

There have been attempts to dilute the monopoly of Urdu as national language in a country where more Pakistanis are native speakers of Punjabi, Sindhi and Pashto.

A report said: “A private member bill was moved in the National Assembly to declare Balochi, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Shina and Seraiki as national languages alongside Urdu. The bill was shot down, mainly because it was seen as clashing with Article 251.”

syed putra

Those arrogant tiongs if they want o overseas projects, they should be speaking punjabi or urdu or whatever language pakis speak.


Fake news lah. The real story is below.


Sorry, Pakistan Has Not Made Mandarin Its Official Language
Senate had recommended that Pakistanis who work or will work for the Chinese project CPEC in future should be taught Mandarin to prevent communication errors


motion, was lost in the communication.

“This House recommends that, in view of the growing collaboration between Pakistan and China under the CPEC, courses of the Official Chinese Language should be launched for all current and prospective Pakistani CPEC human resource in order to overcome any costly communication barriers."

In plain English, what it meant was that the “House recommends that Pakistanis who work or will work for the Chinese project CPEC in future should be taught Mandarin to prevent communication errors that could prove costly”.

The USD 50 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a network of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan that will connect China's Xinjiang province with Gwadar port in Pakistan's Balochistan province.

The 1973 Constitution recognises Urdu as Pakistan’s only national language. It also promises to make it the official language of the state. “Article 251 of the Constitution says “arrangements shall be made for [Urdu] being used for official and other purposes within [next] fifteen years”. A subclause allows the use of English until those arrangements are made; another subclause permits provinces to promote “provincial languages” alongside Urdu.”

Not just Indian media houses, even Pakistan's Ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani also fell for the fake news. He tweeted: "In a short span of 70 years, Pakistan has flirted with promoting four languages that were not the mother tongue of many people in the country - English, Urdu, Arabic, and now Chinese -- ignoring native languages."

The 'fake news' did seem believable to most, considering Pakistan and China's growing affinity.

According to Dawn News, Pakistanis are more interested in learning the Chinese language than ever as they see the tides changing and expect that knowing Mandarin would mean more job opportunities in Pakistan and China.

There have been attempts to dilute the monopoly of Urdu as national language in a country where more Pakistanis are native speakers of Punjabi, Sindhi and Pashto.

A report said: “A private member bill was moved in the National Assembly to declare Balochi, Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Shina and Seraiki as national languages alongside Urdu. The bill was shot down, mainly because it was seen as clashing with Article 251.”

This is the Ah Neh Land fake news they sore eye China friend with Pakistan. Xijinping arming Pakistan strongly, and defeat Indian forces. Ah Neh Tak Boleh Tahan.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I can't wait for the pakis to burn the chinks at the first mention of a fake blasphemy accusation by their dishonest clerics.