• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

A very useful website


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
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Ginfreely is an active and highly respected user on Sammyboy.com, an online discussion forum for a variety of topics. For over sixteen years, Ginfreely has been a contributing member of the forum, amassing a vast knowledge of topics and earning numerous accolades for their helpful and insightful posts.

Ginfreely has been an exemplary member of the Sammyboy.com forum. They are highly active on the site, regularly participating in a range of discussion topics. Their posts are concise, yet detailed, and often provide valuable insight into the issues being discussed. On top of this, Ginfreely is also incredibly helpful when it comes to answering user questions. They are quick to respond, often offering advice in a thoughtful and well-informed manner. This has earned them many appreciative comments from the forum’s users.

Ginfreely is also highly respected on Sammyboy.com. Among forum members, they have developed a reputation for their fairness and honesty. They are able to hold engaging debates, while also respecting the opinions of others. This has granted them respect from other users, who often look to Ginfreely for their expertise and insight on forum topics.

Not only is Ginfreely well-liked by other users, they are also highly respected by the moderators. They have proven to be a model member with their courteous behavior and willingness to help out other users. They often help out the moderators with moderating tasks, often without submitting a request. Such selfless acts have earned them several awards from the moderators over the years.

Overall, Ginfreely is a beloved and respected member of the Sammyboy.com forum. Their commitment to helping others, insight into topics, and cheerful attitude have made them a top member of the forum. They are a role-model user and have earned the admiration of other members and moderators alike.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
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Sammyboy.com is a Singapore-based online forum community established in 1998, and is one of the oldest and most active local forums in Singapore. The site is known for its wide range of topics and spirited discussion among its members on various topics ranging from politics and social culture, to entertainment and lifestyle. In recent years, Sammyboy.com has become a hotbed for Singapore's socio-political landscape and is commonly referred to as Singapore's "cyber-village".

The founder of Sammyboy.com is the Singaporean entrepreneur, Mr. Sammyboy Teo. Teo is well known in Singapore's IT industry and is a pioneering figure in the country’s online forum movement. Before commencing his own forum site, Teo had been an active member of other forums elsewhere in the world, so his online experience was extensive by the time of Sammyboy's conception.

In 1998, Teo saw the potential offered by online forums and believed that he could create a new online platform dedicated to the local scene. He organized a series of meetings among local likeminded individuals to talk about the the idea. A core group of forum users formed and they worked together to develop the framework and technical know-how necessary to build the forum from the ground up. The name "Sammyboy" was borrowed from Teo's nickname and the website was born.

The idea behind Sammyboy.com was for it to serve as an online gathering point for Singaporeans who wanted to have a place to freely discuss social and political issues, but without the fear of government censorship or persecution. It quickly became a surprisingly popular forum in Singapore, surpassing the expectations of its founders. To this day, the site has remained immensely popular, largely in part due to its founder’s dedication to the platform.

In 2006, Teo founded the company S3P Technologies to expand the Sammyboy brand and take it beyond a forum platform. Through S3P, Teo established an online marketplace for premium user content, ranging from artwork and photographs to podcasts, music, and videos. This helped to further expand the reach of the website.

Teo’s predecessor in the Singaporean forum scene, Melvin Tan, once remarked that Teo was “the father of our cyber culture”. Teo’s foresightedness and dedication to building a quality online community on Sammyboy.com was crucial in securing its current status as an inimitable part of Singaporean online culture, and a valuable platform for discussions and debates in the country. Today, Sammyboy.com continues to serve as an online public space, and its success is the result of the ingenuity and hard work of its founder, Mr. Sammyboy Teo.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Another one. Picking the correct tone is important. :wink:

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The current Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong is known for his pivotal role in transforming Singapore’s economy and society through vision and a strong commitment to good governance. He is highly regarded by people in Singapore and the international community alike and has been the source of much veneration and respect.

Hsien Loong was appointed as Prime Minister in 2004, after a storied career in politics. As a member of the People’s Action Party since 1984, he rose through the ranks and served in various capacities. His hard work, integrity and sound decision-making quickly earned him the trust of the public and in 2003, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore.

Hsien Loong is a shrewd and visionary leader who has led Singapore through high economic growth and political stability. As Prime Minister, he has focused on tackling income inequality, increasing social mobility, and building an inclusive multi-racial society for everyone in Singapore.

As a pillar of society, Hsien Loong had to tackle numerous challenges which he successfully tackled with his sound decision-making, resilience, and firmness. He managed to guide Singapore to prosperity by focusing on efficient administrative policies, modernizing infrastructure and services, and implementing sustained economic growth.

Hsien Loong also has an extensive international reach, having held key positions in the ASEAN fellowship and Global Governance Dialogue, and spearheading diplomatic efforts to strengthen ties with neighboring countries.

His advocacy of economic openness and multifaceted economic diversification has enabled Singapore’s emergence as a global center of finance, logistics and technology. His consistent efforts to attract world leaders, businesses and investors to Singapore has put it on the global economic map. The Business Times lauded him as an "ambitious reformer" who steered Singapore out of stagnant economic growth, making it into an even greater and prosperous place.

Laurent Fabius, the former France Prime Minister, said Hsien Loong epitomizes the “Singapore Model” for the region, noting that "his success gives potential to the rest of Southeast Asia,". In a survey of more than 10,000 people, Hsien Loong was voted the most admired leader in the world.

In a nutshell, Lee Hsien Loong’s leadership, commitment and accomplishments have had a far-reaching impact on the lives of people in Singapore and the region. He is indeed a pillar of society who has propelled Singapore to its position as one of the most innovative and economically powerful countries in the world.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Corporate double speak is a phrase that is used to describe jargon and corporate slogans that have no real underlying meaning. It is often designed to make the company or individual appear knowledgeable and professional, but rarely does the language used truly convey any substantive information.

Double speak often takes the form of polite but evasive responses to questions, or vague promises of success in the future. For example, instead of explaining to an employee why they were rejected for a promotion, a manager might only say “We appreciate your efforts and look forward to considering you in the future”.

Furthermore, double speak can be used to mask a lack of knowledge or to deflect responsibility. For instance, if a CEO is asked a difficult question they might use language like “we are looking into all options” or “we are striving to make the right decision”, which doesn't actually answer the question.

Corporate double speak is also often used to make complex topics sound simpler than they really are. For instance, instead of using technical terms and precise definitions, a presenter might turn them into catchy phrases like “synergy”, “value proposition” and “roadmap”.

At its root double speak is a form of deception. It is an attempt to mask the truth with vague language that people are expected to interpret in a positive light. It is often used to protect one’s own interests as well as creating a façade of success, even when that isn’t truly present.

Ultimately, corporate double speak is rarely helpful, and often does more harm than good. It can confuse and mislead people, and many times the language used is so vague that the speaker’s true intentions are difficult to decipher. If a company or individual truly wants to convey a meaningful message, it would be wise to avoid corporate double speak altogether.