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Chinese woman who protected Japanese dies of stab wounds



Chinese woman who protected Japanese dies of stab wounds​

By TOKUHIKO SAITO/ Correspondent
June 28, 2024 at 18:49 JST

Photo/Illutration Hu Youping was fatally stabbed while protecting a Japanese mother and her young child from a knife attack. (Provided by the Chinese security authorities of Suzhou)​

SUZHOU, China—A Chinese woman who was critically injured while protecting a Japanese mother and child from a knife attack at a bus stop here has died, local authorities said on June 28.
Hu Youping, 54, was an assistant on a Japanese school bus when the attack occurred on June 24, Chinese authorities and other sources said.
A male assailant, 52, began attacking the Japanese mother and her preschool-age child with a knife as they were waiting at the bus stop, the sources said.
Hu stepped in to stop the attacker and was stabbed several times while trying to restrain him. She was sent to a hospital, where she died, the sources said.
The mother and child were also wounded, but their injuries are not life-threatening.
The city of Suzhou decided to award Hu a title recognizing her righteous and courageous actions.
If she had not intervened, the assailant could have entered the school bus and harmed more people, sources said.
The suspect has been detained. The motive for the attack is still unknown.



China honours woman who died saving Japanese family​

Kelly Ng - BBC News
Fri, 28 June 2024 at 2:25 pm SGT2-min read

Hu Youping

Hu Youping tried to restrain a knife attacker who also injured a Japanese woman and her son [CCTV]

A Chinese woman who tried to shield a Japanese mother and her child from a knife attack has died.

Hu Youping was working as a school bus attendant in Suzhou city when a man attacked a Japanese woman and her child at a bus stop outside a Japanese school.
She suffered serious injuries while trying to restrain him.

Tributes for her have poured out online and the local government has said she will be given the title of "Righteous and Courageous Role Model".


The Japanese embassy in China also lowered its flag to half-mast to honour Ms Hu. In a statement on Weibo, the embassy said it was "saddened" to hear of her death.

"We believe [Ms Hu's] courage and kindness also represent that of the Chinese people. We pay tribute to her righteous deeds. May she rest in peace," it said.

There was also an outpouring of condolences and praise on Chinese social media.

"We will remember your kindness and bravery, for you protected the safety of our Japanese friends and preserved the reputation of ordinary Chinese people," read a comment on Weibo.